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Activities and Groups for Bromley Cross

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6 activities match your search filter

Bolton Cardiac Support Group

Where: Egerton United Reform Church, Blackburn Road, Bolton, BL7 9TB

Price: £1

Age groups: Adult (18+)

Intensities: Low

Days: Wednesday

When: 7:00pm for 7:30pm start

Number of minutes activity: 120

Contact: Bolton Cardiac Support Group

Email: contact@boltoncardiacsupportgroup.com

Website: http://www.boltoncardiacsupportgroup.com/

Pre-Session Intro

Pre-Session Intro

We understand that starting something new may be a big challenge but don't worry, we are friendly and we can meet you before the session begins. Its all about making you feel comfortable and enjoy what we're about.

If you think that Bolton Cardiac Support Group might be of help to you, then why not come along and join us. You have nothing to lose but perhaps a lot to gain. We meet on the third Wednesday of each month with tea, coffee and biscuits prior to the meeting.  The intention is to provide support after the patient leaves hospital and to continue this through the recovery period. Patients are encouraged to join the Support Group so that they can receive ongoing advice and guidance leading to a greater understanding, increased confidence and a fuller life. The welcome also extends to their carers, spouse, family member or friend. Each month we have an expert who speaks for a brief period on his/her specialism and then answers any questions members may have. Speakers vary from medical doctors, physiotherapists, pharmacists and dieticians to social speakers addressing such topics as welfare rights, insurance, etc. Some of our members feel that being involved with the Support Group has been the biggest single step to psychological recovery. Just turn up at the Egerton United Reform Church, Blackburn Road, Bolton BL7 9TB on any of the meeting dates, rest assured you will receive a very warm welcome. To contact us for more information please email contact@boltoncardiacsupportgroup.com or go to our website and complete the contact us section and someone will be in touch.  There is a £1 per person contribution when you attend a meeting. This helps towards the running costs of the voluntary group.  If you feel you would like to attend on a regular basis then there is an annual registration fee of £10 per year. This cost covers the patient as well as their Carer/Spouse/Partner or Friend.  

Approximate activity location

Bolton Library and Museum Services

Where: Bromley Cross Library, The Crescent, Toppings Estate, Bolton, BL7 9JU

Price: FREE

Age groups: Adult (18+)

Intensities: Low

Days: Thursday

When: 11am

Number of minutes activity: 60

Total number of participants allowed: 15

Contact: Library and Museum Services

Telephone: 01204 332354

Email: bromley.cross.library@bolton.gov.uk

Website: https://www.boltonlams.co.uk

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/boltonlibraryandmuseumservices

Instagram: https://instagram.com/bolton_library_museum

Pre-Session Intro
Volunteer Opportunities

Pre-Session Intro

We understand that starting something new may be a big challenge but don't worry, we are friendly and we can meet you before the session begins. Its all about making you feel comfortable and enjoy what we're about.


Want to help out? Volunteers are welcome, get in touch to find out more.

Lively discussion on a set book and also books read by group members.

The group meet on first Thursday of every month at Bromley Cross Library at 11am until 12pm.

Approximate activity location

Get Up Keep Going CIC

Where: Walmsley Parish Hall, Blackburn Road, Bolton, BL7 9SA

Price: £5.00

Age groups: Over 50s Only

Intensities: Low, Medium, High

Days: Friday

When: 11.15

Number of minutes activity: 45 minutes

Total number of participants allowed: 20

Contact: Sharon Bailey - Get Up Keep Going CIC

Telephone: 07870379401

Email: hello@sharonbailey-getupkeepgoing.co.uk

Website: https://getupkeepgoingcic.co.uk

Facebook: https://facebook.com/getupkeepgoingcic

Pre-Session Intro

Pre-Session Intro

We understand that starting something new may be a big challenge but don't worry, we are friendly and we can meet you before the session begins. Its all about making you feel comfortable and enjoy what we're about.

This is a fun Core Stability ball Class which will work all muscles especially the face as you will have so much fun laughing and getting stronger. It improves balance and core stability. It gives you full awareness of the movement and muscle groups of your body. Enhances neuro muscular co-ordination and strengthens your core. Come and join us for a very fun way to exercise.



Approximate activity location

Bolton Council

Where: Hough Lane, Bolton, BL7 9DE

Price: FREE

Age groups: Junior (6-12), Youth (13-17), Adult (18+)

Intensities: Low

Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Contact: Neighbourhood Services

Email: neighbourhoodservicesinbox@bolton.gov.uk

Walking path, woodland, river runs through

Approximate activity location

Incredible Unitarian Garden

Where: Walmsley Unitarian Chapel, Blackburn Road, Egerton, Bolton, BL7 9PR

Price: FREE

Age groups: Adult (18+)

Intensities: Medium

Days: Friday

When: 10:30

Number of minutes activity: 90

Total number of participants allowed: 15

Contact: Sharon English

Telephone: 07941 093638

Email: shazzaenglish@gmail.com

Website: https://walmsleyunitarianchapel.org.uk/incredible-egerton/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IncredibleEdibleBromleyCross?

We are an open access drop-in group for lovers of all things nature, whether new to gardening or with a lifetime of green fingers. The group has no membership requirements beyond a degree of enthusiasm for gardening and a willingness to roll up your sleeves and get stuck in.

Our garden is a place of beauty, peace creativity and joy. Here we have raised beds where we grow fruit, veg and flowers. The “secret garden” is an oasis of calm. All around there are beautiful scented flowers and herbs, fruit bushes and trees. Individual members can “adopt” a raised bed to grow vegetables and flowers. The ethos of the group is to grow and share.

Approximate activity location

Get Up Keep Going CIC

Where: Walmsley Parish Hall, Blackburn Road, Bolton, BL7 9SA

Price: £5.00

Age groups: Over 50s Only

Intensities: Low, Medium, High

Days: Monday

When: 10.00

Number of minutes activity: 45 minutes

Total number of participants allowed: End time 11.15

Contact: Sharon Bailey - Get Up Keep Going CIC

Telephone: 07870379401

Email: hello@sharonbailey-getupkeepgoing.co.uk

Website: https://getupkeepgoingcic.co.uk

Facebook: https://facebook.com/getupkeepgoingcic

Buddying Activity
Pre-Session Intro

Pre-Session Intro

We understand that starting something new may be a big challenge but don't worry, we are friendly and we can meet you before the session begins. Its all about making you feel comfortable and enjoy what we're about.

Buddying Service

Someone can be available to offer you more support during an actual session (enquire with the provider to see what's available).

Come along to this fun Yoga class, you don't have to be flexible or bendy you just have to turn up with your mat. Beginners are welcome as all levels are catered for. 

You will become stronger, more balanced and learn so much about your mind, body, and breath and we even have a brew together afterwards. 

We ask for a minimum donation of £5.00


Approximate activity location


The activities, websites and services on this site are designed for signposting you to providers in Bolton. The Let's Keep Bolton Moving platform and Bolton Vision's involvement in hosting an activity/group, as well as suggested websites and services offered on this website does not constitute or imply its endorsement or recommendation by Let's Keep Bolton Moving and Bolton Vision.

The information is up to date to the best of our knowledge. Contact the activity provider before you attend any activities to ensure that the activity details are correct. It is your responsibility to make sure you feel comfortable and safe at the venues, and with the activities you take part in.