Smokefree Bolton
Smokefree Bolton aims to create a positive movement across the borough towards becoming Smokefree. If you're looking to quit smoking there's no need to 'go it alone' - it's much easier to stop smoking when you have the right support.
Here you'll find a range of local services, support and resources to help you quit – your way!

Take a look at our available resources below
Our local community services offer a range of options to help you quit. From tailored programmes to pharmacy support, with flexible appointments and access to free Nicotine Replacement Therapy and vapes* - you'll be three times more likely to succeed!
* Vapes are dependent on service chosen

Your Health Bolton (ABL Health)
If you're ready to quit smoking, there is help available! Bolton's dedicated stop smoking service, run by ABL Health, is free, friendly and can massively boost your chances of quitting for good. They make the process as easy as possible with flexible appointments available face-to-face, over the phone or online.
The 12-week quit programmes are run by expert advisors who provide a range of proven methods to help you quit as well as supplying up to 12 weeks of free nicotine replacement products and vape kits (extended for pregnant women).
The Service
- Free, confidential service
- Free nicotine replacement & vape starter kits
- Self-referral
- 12-week quit support
- Face to face appointments
- Telephone appointments
- Video call appointments
For full eligibility criteria call or vist us online today:
Community Pharmacies
Pharmacies are a great place to get advice on quitting smoking and receive nicotine replacement products like nicotine gum, sprays, inhalators and patches.
We have a large number of local pharmacies signed up to supply free stop smoking support and nicotine replacement products. Call or pop into your local pharmacy to see if they can support you.
The Service
- Free, confidential service
- Free nicotine replacement products
- Self-referral
- 12-week quit support
- Face to face appointments
- Telephone appointments
Get 24/7 stop smoking support at the touch of a button with a smokefree app.
Expert, personalised support to crush your cravings, set goals to keep motivated, monitor health improvements and money saved.

Greater Manchester – Make Smoking History Free app
The Smoke Free app comes with a friendly team of advisors who are available 24/7 to help you through those tricky moments.
For a drug-free option (no NRT or vapes), then try a clinically proven one-off live quit smoking online seminar. Or you can sign up to an online video programme.

Allen Carr's Easyway Stop Smoking Support
Allen Carr's Easyway method has been described as 'a real smoker's way to quit smoking'. You carry on smoking until you're ready to stub out your final cigarette.
Royal Bolton Hospital have a number of support options to quit smoking if you are receiving inpatient care or you are pregnant.

Maternity Services – Royal Bolton Hospital
Support for pregnant women and their partner/family members to quit.
If you're having a baby, your midwife can refer you to a stop smoking service just for pregnant women and their partners. Here you'll be given one-to-one support from a stop smoking advisor who is also a trained midwife or maternity support worker. They will support you throughout your pregnancy and for the first 12 months after giving birth.
For advice and support please contact the dedicated mobile line on 07827 992883

The Cure Team – Royal Bolton Hospital
The CURE project is a Royal Bolton Hospital inpatient support programme. CURE nurses identify all active smokers admitted to hospital and immediately offer nicotine replacement therapy and other medications, as well as specialist support, for the duration of a patient's admission and after discharge.
Read up on stop smoking aids
Stop smoking aids help to manage nicotine cravings and other tobacco withdrawal symptoms can help you combat cravings when you first stop smoking. Products can be bought over the counter or from your pharmacist. In some cases, it's available free or on prescription from your local stop smoking service or GP.
Find out moreE-cigarettes & Vaping
Many thousands of people in the UK have already stopped smoking with the help of an e-cigarette also known as a Vape, is an electronic device that allows you to inhale nicotine in a vapour rather than smoke. In recent years, vaping has become one of the most popular ways stop smoking as it mimics the sensation of smoking and gives the user a hit of nicotine which helps reduce cigarette cravings.
Find out moreSmoke Shisha?
Shisha or hookah smoking has long been common in South East Asia, the Middle East and North Africa, and popularity is growing in the UK, not least because some believe it’s less harmful than cigarettes. But that is NOT accurate - in fact shisha can be much worse. In a 20-80 min shisha session, a shisha smoker can inhale the same amount of smoke as a cigarette smoker consuming over 100 cigarettes.
Find out moreCase Studies
Mick – Age 52 – Peer Mentor and Lead Volunteer at Transforming Lives Group - Bolton
After 30 years of smoking, Mick decided to quit for his health and finances. Struggling with asthma and feeling the toll on his lungs, he found support through a local stop-smoking service. With nicotine patches, a vape, and the encouragement of his community, Mick has seen a huge improvement in his breathing and energy levels. His decision to quit has also made a positive difference for his family. Read the full interview to hear how Mick transformed his life!

Why did you decide to quit?
After 30 years smoking, I decided to give up for health and financial reasons. Smoking was having a massive, negative impact on my asthma and breathing. If I tried to play football or go boxing, I could feel the stress on my lungs after I’d smoked roll ups in the morning.
Where did you seek support to quit?
Stopping smoking has been on my mind for a long, long time. The trigger to quit this time was seeing an advertisement for the local stop smoking support service on our Transforming Lives Group social media site. The timing was perfect. Knowing there was some real support out there and someone I could check in with each week gave me the confidence to get involved.
What products did you use to quit?
Nicotine replacement therapy patches, as well as a vape. My nicotine dose has been reducing each week, and I'm working towards stopping everything altogether.
How was your first day smokefree?
My first day without cigarettes made me feel really empowered - I've actually stopped smoking!
How do you battle withdrawals and cravings?
I think it’s very important to me that I have some self-awareness around my triggers. I now know the things that could send me back to smoking such as stress, money, a busy lifestyle. I know I can’t change my whole life – I've just got to change me.
I also use a stress ball, fidget toys and spinning a pen to keep my hands busy!
Have you had any support you found helpful?
I'm part of a voluntary organisation called Transforming Lives Group in Bolton. A number of us all decided to give up around the same time. I believe that by giving up together we have been much stronger. I want to lead by example and also support others who would like to quit smoking – if I can do it, they can too!
What positive changes have you found from quitting?
When I’d given up, I felt a vast difference in my breathing. It felt like an instant improvement, and I didn’t want to go back to smoking after that! My physical strength, fitness and oxygen levels have all improved. I'm nowhere near as tired and I'm recovering a lot quicker.
The financial benefits of not smoking, given the pressures of the cost of living currently, have made a huge difference to me.
When I take my girls in the car on the school run now, they no longer complain it smells of cigarettes! This has had a massive impact, not just on me - but also my family too.
How do you feel about yourself now?
I've been through a lot in my life - ups and downs, including health struggles and a brain injury, but now my priority is being healthy, living life properly and watching my children grow up or becoming a grandfather one day – by stopping smoking I'm giving myself the best chance of doing this!
Christine – Age 58 - Bolton
Christine smoked 20 cigarettes a day for over 20 years. She was terrified of continuing but equally afraid of quitting, knowing how much damage it had already done to her health. Constant chest infections, breathlessness, and a diagnosis of emphysema forced her to make a life-changing decision. With support from her local pharmacy, nicotine patches, and sheer determination, Christine took control of her health. Today, her breathing has improved her medication has reduced, and she’s financially better off. Want to know how she managed it? Read more to discover her journey to freedom from smoking!
How long have you smoked?
Before I quit this time, I had been smoking 20 a day for the last 20 years.
I was at the point in my life where I was terrified to keep smoking, but I was also terrified to give up. But I just knew I couldn’t keep smoking.
Why did you decide to quit?
I was having bad chest infections, constant coughing and feeling unwell almost all the time. My illnesses lasted longer, and I’d need to take higher levels of medication. I didn’t realise how bad it had got, I’d be breathless going upstairs, I was stopping half way up and then I would lie on the bed to recover. It was a gradual thing that crept up over time. Soon after that I was diagnosed with emphysema. Knowing how damaging smoking had been to my health I just said, “I know what I've got to do!”- it was my decision to quit smoking for my future health.
Where did you seek support to quit?
I went to a local pharmacy and spoke to a really helpful member of staff who explained all my options and supported me to make a quit date.
I started on Nicotine replacement therapy patches, as well as a nicotine inhalator.
How was your first day smokefree?
I was really prepared for the day. I knew I would normally have a brew and a cigarette when I woke up – this was my ritual. So, this time I sat at the table with my nicotine patch on with my cup of coffee thinking, “This is it – this is the start!”. When I got through the first day without a cigarette, I just couldn’t believe I had done it!
How do you battle withdrawals and cravings?
I knew my smoking triggers – first thing in the morning, after meals, out socialising. For the first few weeks I did cancel a few social events so I could avoid temptation. When I could prove to myself I could have a drink and not smoke I knew it was going well. I knew when I got stressed I’d reach for a cigarette – wrongly thinking this was making me feel better – so I had to recognise my stress levels rising and find alternate ways to cope.
Have you had any support you found helpful?
Going to the pharmacy and doing the CO monitoring breath test helped keep me on track and accountable. If I’d have smoked it would have shown up – but each clear test I passed made me feel really proud of myself!
I also found the NHS Quit Smoking app really helpful; telling me how much I’d saved so far, and how many days smokefree I’d achieved. It also told me how I was improving physically too – showing the benefits for each day, week and month that I’d gone smokefree. It really is lifechanging for my body – this has been really motivating!
What positive changes have you found from quitting?
I used to be outside in the winter, it could be snowing, raining, freezing cold – and I’d be out huddled under an umbrella having my cigarette – and now I'm thinking, “You idiot!” - it wasn’t an enjoyable experience! - Now I don’t have to live like that.
I've got a great sense of achievement, the medication I've been prescribed to help my breathing has now reduced! My breathing has improved and I'm able to go about my day to day life with less difficulties. Financially I'm so much better off too!
How do you feel about yourself now?
Overall, I just feel so much better! I'm no longer on any nicotine replacement therapy and I'm finally free from being addicted to cigarettes! I really hope my story can help someone else to give up! It’s never too late to quit smoking – if I can do it so can you! x
Download one of the Free Apps below

Download the
Smoke Free app
The Smoke Free app comes with a friendly team of advisors who are available 24/7 to help you through those tricky moments.
Not only that, but the app tracks the number of days you've been smoke free, the amount of money you've saved – and even the number of days you've added onto your life!

Download the free
NHS Quit Smoking app
Download the free NHS Quit Smoking app to help you quit smoking and start breathing easier.
The app allows you to:
- Track your progress
- See how much you're saving
- Get daily support
If you can make it to 28 days smoke-free, you're five times more likely to quit for good!