Bolton Council
Where: Barrow Bridge Road, Bolton, BL1 7NH
Price: FREE
Age groups: Junior (6-12), Youth (13-17), Adult (18+)
Intensities: Low
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Contact: Neighbourhood Services
Bolton Council
Where: Barrow Bridge Road, Bolton, BL1 7NH
Price: FREE
Age groups: Junior (6-12), Youth (13-17), Adult (18+)
Intensities: Low
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Contact: Neighbourhood Services
Walk path, steps, river flowing through
Approximate activity location
Bolton Lads & Girls Club
Where: Infinity, 18 Spa Road, Bolton, BL1 4AG
Price: FREE
Age groups: Junior (6-12)
Intensities: Low
Days: Wednesday, Friday
When: 4pm
Number of minutes activity: 180
Total number of participants allowed: 100+
Contact: Beth Henry
Telephone: 01204 540100
Pre-Session Intro
We understand that starting something new may be a big challenge but don't worry, we are friendly and we can meet you before the session begins. Its all about making you feel comfortable and enjoy what we're about.
Want to help out? Volunteers are welcome, get in touch to find out more.
Approximate activity location
Bolton parkrun
Where: Leverhulme park, Long Lane, Bolton, BL2 6EX
Price: FREE
Age groups: Junior (6-12), Youth (13-17), Adult (18+), Over 50s Only
Intensities: Low, Medium, High
Days: Saturday
When: 0900
Number of minutes activity: 20-60
Total number of participants allowed: 250 approx
Contact: Mark Fraser
Telephone: 07811 389902
Want to help out? Volunteers are welcome, get in touch to find out more.
A free, fun, and friendly weekly 5k community event. Walk, jog, run, volunteer or spectate – it's up to you!
Nothing - it's free! but please register before you first come along. Only ever register with parkrun once and don't forget to bring a scannable copy of your barcode If you forget it, you won't get a time.
we can now scan from phones and watches
We all take part for our own enjoyment. Please come along and join in whatever your pace!
It is entirely organised by volunteers - email to help.
all roles are super straight forward and we’ll explain what to do
We welcome D of E volunteers too, with a wide variety of opportunities to grow and develop, get in touch and mention D of E in your email subject
Volunteering is a rewarding experience, a fantastic way to get out in the fresh air, gorgeous surroundings meeting new people and supporting local community.
BackUp charity coffee van
Twice per month we have Charlie the coffee van join us, perfect for pre and post coffee and cake, with all proceeds direct to BackUp charity, supporting young people in our community
Approximate activity location
Bolton Council
Where: Rosemary Lane, Bolton, BL5 1ED
Price: FREE
Age groups: Junior (6-12), Youth (13-17), Adult (18+)
Intensities: Low
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Contact: Neighbourhood Services
Walking paths, bridleways, pond, birdwatching
Approximate activity location
Bolton Council
Where: Back Arnold Terrace, Bolton, BL1 5SH
Price: FREE
Age groups: Junior (6-12), Youth (13-17), Adult (18+)
Intensities: Low
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Contact: Neighbourhood Services
Nature reserve, walking routes, pond
Approximate activity location
Bolton Council
Where: Hough Lane, Bolton, BL7 9DE
Price: FREE
Age groups: Junior (6-12), Youth (13-17), Adult (18+)
Intensities: Low
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Contact: Neighbourhood Services
Walking path, woodland, river runs through
Approximate activity location
Bolton Council
Where: The Hoskers, Bolton, BL5 2SQ
Price: FREE
Age groups: Junior (6-12), Youth (13-17), Adult (18+)
Intensities: Low
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Contact: Neighbourhood Services
Duck pond, walking paths, grass areas, grass MUGA
Approximate activity location
Bolton Council
Where: Market Street, Bolton, BL4 7PL
Price: FREE
Age groups: Junior (6-12), Youth (13-17), Adult (18+)
Intensities: Low
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Contact: Neighbourhood Services
Walking paths, cenotaph, greenspace
Approximate activity location
Bolton Council
Where: Croft Side, Bolton, BL3 1AW
Price: FREE
Age groups: Junior (6-12), Youth (13-17), Adult (18+)
Intensities: Low
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Contact: Neighbourhood Services
Bridleway, walking routes, mixed walking /cycling routes
Approximate activity location
Bolton Council
Where: Park Road, Bolton, BL5 3BN
Price: FREE
Age groups: Junior (6-12), Youth (13-17), Adult (18+)
Intensities: Low
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Contact: Neighbourhood Services
River running through park, walking paths, woodlands
Approximate activity location
Celebrate Recovery - Bolton
Where: Oldhams Family Hub (Children's Centre), Forfar Street, Oldhams Estate, Astley Bridge, Bolton, BL1 6RN
Price: FREE
Age groups: Adult (18+)
Intensities: Low
Days: Thursday
When: 19:15
Number of minutes activity: 90
Total number of participants allowed: 8 - 20
Contact: Rev Lee Higson
Telephone: 07712003290
Pre-Session Intro
We understand that starting something new may be a big challenge but don't worry, we are friendly and we can meet you before the session begins. Its all about making you feel comfortable and enjoy what we're about.
Buddying Service
Someone can be available to offer you more support during an actual session (enquire with the provider to see what's available).
Hope for Mental Health is a 26 session rolling programme for men and women above the age of 18. This is not therapy - it is simply a discussion group about mental health, using a tool called the Hope Circle. We are a faith based group and use the Bible to seek wisdom in improving our mental health. However, this group is absolutely open to everyone regardless of your own faith or beliefs. We only ask that you respect each individual in the group.
We meet at 7:30pm on a Thursday evening (brews available from 7:15pm). We start with the Lord's Prayer and a couple of worship songs. We then might watch a video real life story before going out into the breakout room.
There is no pressure to talk or say anything. We start with a list of words in front of each person and we choose two words e.g. 'Anxious' and 'tired'. If we are able, we share how we are feeling using those two words with the rest of the group. We then have the opportunity to share a high and a low from the week just gone.
Once everyone has had an opportunity to share, we look at the lesson and each person can follow along in their journal. Sometimes, we do practical or art based activites, creating boxes of hope. Sometimes we might do a mindfulness exercise focusing on our breathing.
This is a safe space for everyone to inhabit. There is no expectation for anyone to share unless they want to. Every couple of months, we try to have either a social night (e.g. a walk around Jumbles or a trip over to Wetherspoons for a meal) or have somebody come and visit us to share their own story.
Note: Our 12 step Celebrate Recovery group - for ANY hurts, habits and hang-ups, is still meeting, but this is now hosted on a Wednesday at 1pm over in Breightmet (see Lee for details).
Let us know you're coming so we can look out for you.
Contact Rev Lee Higson on 07712003290
Approximate activity location
Bolton Council
Where: Bradshaw Road, Bolton, BL2 4JP
Price: FREE
Age groups: Junior (6-12), Youth (13-17), Adult (18+)
Intensities: Low
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Contact: Neighbourhood Services
Walking paths around reservoir
Approximate activity location
Bolton Council
Where: Long Lane, Bolton, BL2 6BZ
Price: FREE
Age groups: Junior (6-12), Youth (13-17), Adult (18+)
Intensities: Low
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Contact: Neighbourhood Services
Walking routes, children's play area, running track, river running through, football pitches, flat green bowling green, cycle track, inclusive cycle group, cricket pitch, parkrun paths
Approximate activity location
Bolton Council
Where: Longsight Lane, Bolton, BL2 3JS
Price: FREE
Age groups: Junior (6-12), Youth (13-17), Adult (18+)
Intensities: Low
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Contact: Neighbourhood Services
Children's play area, walking paths, football pitch
Approximate activity location
Aisha Khan
Where: All Souls, Astley Street, Bolton, Lancashire, BL1 8EY
Price: FREE
Age groups: Early Years (0-5), Adult (18+)
Intensities: Low, Medium
Days: Wednesday
When: 10am
Number of minutes activity: 60
Total number of participants allowed: 10
Contact: Aisha Khan
Telephone: 07878989163
Pre-Session Intro
We understand that starting something new may be a big challenge but don't worry, we are friendly and we can meet you before the session begins. Its all about making you feel comfortable and enjoy what we're about.
Buddying Service
Someone can be available to offer you more support during an actual session (enquire with the provider to see what's available).
Bolton Mark Accredited
Where you see the Bolton Mark symbol, it means that a club/group has been awarded an accreditation certificate for high operating standards within the community.
mums, nans and children walking and wheeling programme meeting point All Souls every Wednesday , walking within the local area to then finish @ All Souls for tea, toast and a chat.
Approximate activity location
Bolton Council
Where: Hall Lane, Bolton, BL4 7QS
Price: FREE
Age groups: Junior (6-12), Youth (13-17), Adult (18+)
Intensities: Low
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Contact: Neighbourhood Services
Walk paths, bridleways, children's play area, duck ponds, bird watching hides, river running through
Approximate activity location
Moss Bank Walks
Where: Meet: Main Car Park, Moss Bank Park, Moss Bank Way, Smithills, Bolton, BL1 6NB
Price: FREE
Age groups: Adult (18+)
Intensities: Medium
Days: Wednesday
When: 13:00
Number of minutes activity: 2 hours
Contact: Roger Marks
Telephone: 07718 905356
Want to help out? Volunteers are welcome, get in touch to find out more.
Walk is moderate paced with varied but accessible terain, some gentle hills, occasional steps & or stiles.
Approximate activity location
New House Farm Walk
Where: New House Farm Pavilion, Hollycroft Avenue, Breightmet, Bolton, BL2 2HE
Price: FREE
Age groups: Early Years (0-5), Junior (6-12), Youth (13-17), Adult (18+)
Intensities: Low
Days: Wednesday
When: 10.30
Number of minutes activity: 60
Contact: Vinny O'Rouke
Pre-Session Intro
We understand that starting something new may be a big challenge but don't worry, we are friendly and we can meet you before the session begins. Its all about making you feel comfortable and enjoy what we're about.
Buddying Service
Someone can be available to offer you more support during an actual session (enquire with the provider to see what's available).
Want to help out? Volunteers are welcome, get in touch to find out more.
Informal walk around the Breightmet / Leverhulme Park Area Wednesday mornings 10.30am (weather allowing)
Approximate activity location
Eddy Kavanagh
Where: New House Farm Car Park, Hollycroft Avenue, Bolton, BL2 6HE
Price: FREE
Age groups: Youth (13-17), Adult (18+), Over 50s Only
Intensities: Low
Days: Wednesday
When: 10.30am
Number of minutes activity: Approx 1 hr
Total number of participants allowed: 1 - 40
Contact: Eddy Kavanagh
Telephone: 07385955778
Buddying Service
Someone can be available to offer you more support during an actual session (enquire with the provider to see what's available).
Informal walking group suitable for all age groups and abilities. Every Wednesday morning 10.30am. The group meet on the car park on Hollycroft Ave. BL2 6HE.
Approximate activity location
Next Steps
Where: Mhist Moorland House, Bark st, Bark St, Bolton, BL1 2AX
Price: FREE
Age groups: Adult (18+)
Intensities: Low
Days: Wednesday
When: 11.00
Number of minutes activity: 120
Total number of participants allowed: unlimited
Contact: Shaun Walker
Telephone: 07926701218
Pre-Session Intro
We understand that starting something new may be a big challenge but don't worry, we are friendly and we can meet you before the session begins. Its all about making you feel comfortable and enjoy what we're about.
Discover the Benefits of Fresh Air and Exercise!
Boost your recovery journey with the power of fresh air and physical activity. It’s not just great for your fitness and heart health—it’s also the perfect opportunity to unwind, connect, and share meaningful conversations with fellow service users. Let’s strengthen bonds and build a supportive community together while embracing wellness!
No matter the weather, we will meet everyone at the door ready to go.
Wind, rain, snow and shine!!!
Approximate activity location
Bolton Council
Where: St John's Street, Bolton, BL6 7NX
Price: FREE
Age groups: Junior (6-12), Youth (13-17), Adult (18+)
Intensities: Low
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Contact: Neighbourhood Services
All weather pitch, MUGA, walking paths
Approximate activity location
Bolton Council
Where: Spa Road, Bolton, BL1 4SL
Price: FREE
Age groups: Junior (6-12), Youth (13-17), Adult (18+)
Intensities: Low
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Contact: Neighbourhood Services
Walking paths, duck pond, children's play area, tennis courts, MUGA, basketball nets
Approximate activity location
Bolton Council
Where: Futura Park, Bolton, BL6 6PG
Price: FREE
Age groups: Junior (6-12), Youth (13-17), Adult (18+)
Intensities: Low
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Contact: Neighbourhood Services
Walking / cycling / bridleway paths
Approximate activity location
Bolton Council
Where: Rivington Lane, Bolton, BL6 7RZ
Price: FREE
Age groups: Junior (6-12), Youth (13-17), Adult (18+)
Intensities: Low
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Contact: Neighbourhood Services
Walking / cycling / bridleway paths, orienteering
Where: Moorland House, First Floor, 116 Bark Street, Bolton, BL1 2AX
Price: FREE
Age groups: Adult (18+)
Intensities: Low
Days: Saturday
When: 11:00
Number of minutes activity: 180
Contact: Christine Makinson
Telephone: 01204 527200
Pre-Session Intro
We understand that starting something new may be a big challenge but don't worry, we are friendly and we can meet you before the session begins. Its all about making you feel comfortable and enjoy what we're about.
Want to help out? Volunteers are welcome, get in touch to find out more.
We believe that this activity is designed to be inclusive and welcoming for individuals with additional needs. However, we would recommend contacting the provider before attending, just to confirm they can accommodate your specific requirements.
Would you like to be more active at the weekend? No where to go? No one to see? Then why not attend the Member’s Saturday Social Group that is open to members of MhIST. The group will run every Saturday afternoon at Moorland House for three hours. The group often goes out and activites such as walks, museum visits, arts & crafts and wetherspoons bottomless coffee often take place.
Approximate activity location
Bolton Council
Where: Bury Road, Bolton, BL2 6DH
Price: FREE
Age groups: Junior (6-12), Youth (13-17), Adult (18+)
Intensities: Low
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Contact: Neighbourhood Services
Walking routes, river running through, nature reserve
Approximate activity location
Bolton Council
Where: Thicketford Road, Bolton, BL2 2NA
Price: FREE
Age groups: Junior (6-12), Youth (13-17), Adult (18+)
Intensities: Low
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Contact: Neighbourhood Services
Walking routes, river running through, nature reserve
Approximate activity location
Bolton Council
Where: Smithills Dean Road, Bolton, BL1 7NP
Price: FREE
Age groups: Junior (6-12), Youth (13-17), Adult (18+)
Intensities: Low
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Contact: Neighbourhood Services
Walkways, bridleway, Smithills Open Farm
Approximate activity location
The Well
Where: The Well, Trafford Street, Farnworth, Bolton, BL4 7PQ
Price: FREE
Age groups: Adult (18+)
Intensities: Low, Medium
Days: Wednesday
When: 1pm
Number of minutes activity: 30 minutes
Total number of participants allowed: No limit
Contact: Dilly
Telephone: 01204 861671
We believe that this activity is designed to be inclusive and welcoming for individuals with additional needs. However, we would recommend contacting the provider before attending, just to confirm they can accommodate your specific requirements.
A 20-30 minute gentle walk around Farnworth Park followed by free refreshments back at The Well. No dogs or children. Please wear suitable shoes and clothing
Approximate activity location
Bolton Council
Where: Walker Fold Road, Bolton, BL6 6PR
Price: FREE
Age groups: Junior (6-12), Youth (13-17), Adult (18+)
Intensities: Low
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Contact: Neighbourhood Services
Walking routes, cycle routes
Approximate activity location
Bolton Council
Where: St Stephen and All Martyrs, Radcliffe Road, Bolton, BL2 1NZ
Price: FREE
Age groups: Adult (18+)
Intensities: Medium
Days: Tuesday
When: 9.45am
Contact: Yusuf Atcha
Telephone: 07741006411
Walk is medium paced with varied but accessible terain, some gentle hills, occasional steps & or stiles.
Approximate activity location
Bolton Council
Where: Lancashire Wildlife Trust, Bury Road, Breightmet, Bolton, BL2 6DH
Price: FREE
Age groups: Adult (18+)
Intensities: Low
Days: Tuesday
When: 10am
Contact: Yusuf Atcha
Telephone: 07741006411
Want to help out? Volunteers are welcome, get in touch to find out more.
2 miles gentle pace, varied but accessible terrain, some gentle hills occasional steps and/or stiles.
Approximate activity location
Bolton Council
Where: Meet: Outside Rock Hall Visitors Centre, Moses Gate Country Park, Hall Lane, Farnworth, Bolton, BL4 7QS
Price: FREE
Age groups: Adult (18+)
Intensities: High
Days: Tuesday
When: 10am
Contact: Yusuf Atcha
Telephone: 07741006411
Want to help out? Volunteers are welcome, get in touch to find out more.
3 miles fast pace, varied but accessible terrain, some hills occasional steps and/or stiles.
Approximate activity location
Bolton Council
Where: Meet: Outside Rock Hall Visitors Centre, Moses Gate Country Park, Hall Lane, Farnworth, Bolton, BL4 7QS
Price: FREE
Age groups: Adult (18+)
Intensities: Medium
Days: Tuesday
When: 10:30
Contact: Yusuf Atcha
Telephone: 07741006411
Want to help out? Volunteers are welcome, get in touch to find out more.
3 miles gentle pace, varied but accessible terrain, some hills occasional steps and/or stiles.
Approximate activity location
Bolton Arena
Where: Bolton Arena, Arena Approach, Horwich, Bolton, BL6 6LB
Price: £4.50
Age groups: Over 50s Only
Intensities: Low, Medium
Days: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday
When: 10.00am
Number of minutes activity: 60 minutes
Total number of participants allowed: 14
Contact: Marcus Bailey Brown
Telephone: 01204488125
Walking football is becoming an increasingly popular sport for both men aged +50 and women aged +35. Its designed to help people get fit, engage socially and maintain an active lifestyle no matter of age or fitness levels. As well as support people getting back into football that may have given up due to age, injury or lack of opportunity. Sessions at Bolton Arena and fees: Tuesdays 19:00 - 20:00 - £4.00 Tuesdays 19:00 - 20:00 - £2.00 (women only session) Thursdays 19:30 - 20:30 - £4.50 Fridays 10:00 - 11:00 - £2.00 (over 60's men only) Sundays 10:15 - 11:15 - £4.50
Approximate activity location
Bolton Arena
Where: Bolton Arena, Arena Approach, Horwich, Bolton, BL6 6LB
Price: £4.50
Age groups: Over 50s Only
Intensities: Low, Medium
Days: Tuesday
When: 11.00am
Number of minutes activity: 60 minutes
Total number of participants allowed: 30
Contact: Joanne Fishwick
Telephone: 01204488126
Walking netball is a slower version of the game. It has been designed so that anyone can play it regardless of age or fitness level. Many women are playing the game of walking netball for the fun, laughter and social aspects that the sessions bring.
Approximate activity location
Bolton Arena
Where: Bolton Arena, Arena Approach, Horwich, Bolton, BL6 6LB
Price: £4.50
Age groups: Over 50s Only
Intensities: Medium
Days: Friday
When: 10.00am
Number of minutes activity: 120 minutes
Total number of participants allowed: 30
Contact: Joanne Fishwick
Telephone: 01204 488126
Pre-Session Intro
We understand that starting something new may be a big challenge but don't worry, we are friendly and we can meet you before the session begins. Its all about making you feel comfortable and enjoy what we're about.
Buddying Service
Someone can be available to offer you more support during an actual session (enquire with the provider to see what's available).
Want to help out? Volunteers are welcome, get in touch to find out more.
Walking Sports Walking sports offers an enjoyable and varied range of sports and a great way to have fun. Keep your mind & body healthy and active whilst meeting new friends in a friendly and inclusive setting. Sports include: Netball, Tennis, Short Tennis, Badminton, Table Tennis and Pickleball. Friday: 10.00 - 12.00
Approximate activity location
The Hub at Westhoughton
Where: The Hub at Westhoughton, Central Drive, Westhoughton, Bolton, BL5 3DS
Price: FREE
Age groups: Youth (13-17), Adult (18+)
Intensities: Low
Days: Wednesday
When: 11am
Total number of participants allowed: 10
Contact: Jayne Oakley
Telephone: 01942 635985
Pre-Session Intro
We understand that starting something new may be a big challenge but don't worry, we are friendly and we can meet you before the session begins. Its all about making you feel comfortable and enjoy what we're about.
Buddying Service
Someone can be available to offer you more support during an actual session (enquire with the provider to see what's available).
Want to help out? Volunteers are welcome, get in touch to find out more.
11am meet in the Hub Cafe from 10:30
Approximate activity location
The Flowhesion Foundation
Where: All Souls, Astley Street, Bolton, BL1 8EY
Price: £35.00
Age groups: Youth (13-17)
Intensities: Low, Medium
Days: Friday, Saturday
When: 11am
Number of minutes activity: 60
Total number of participants allowed: 25
Contact: Julie Vining
Telephone: 07878989451
Pre-Session Intro
We understand that starting something new may be a big challenge but don't worry, we are friendly and we can meet you before the session begins. Its all about making you feel comfortable and enjoy what we're about.
Buddying Service
Someone can be available to offer you more support during an actual session (enquire with the provider to see what's available).
Bolton Mark Accredited
Where you see the Bolton Mark symbol, it means that a club/group has been awarded an accreditation certificate for high operating standards within the community.
Want to help out? Volunteers are welcome, get in touch to find out more.
The Duke of Edinubrgh Award consists of 4 catagories, physical, skills, volunteering and Expedition. We are offering the bronze award for the ages of 14-24 and we can accomadate all sections. We run various sessions over the weekends to ensure the young member completes the award. We provide mentors for the young members where needed. We have all boys and all girls sessions with bi-lingual staff. The Dofe runs from All Souls however we often go off site and outdoors to complete actvities. We are looking at completing our camping expediton June 2025. Be quick to register your place and join this years expedition.
Our programmes include;
Easter, winter and summer clubs
Girls and Boys Sports hubs
Life skills sessions
Volunteering positions including assisting with health hubs, sports , toddler groups and various workshops
Approximate activity location
Alexandra Family Hub - Start Well Children's Centres
Where: Alexandra Family Hub, Blackledge Street, Bolton, BL3 4BL
Price: FREE
Intensities: Low
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Telephone: 01204 337347
We believe that this activity is designed to be inclusive and welcoming for individuals with additional needs. However, we would recommend contacting the provider before attending, just to confirm they can accommodate your specific requirements.
For more information on sessions please see the link below.
Approximate activity location
Great Lever Family Hub - Start Well Children's Centres
Where: Great Lever Family Hub - Start Well Children's Centres, Leonard Street, Bolton, BL3 3AP
Price: FREE
Age groups: Early Years (0-5), Over 50s Only
Intensities: Low
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Telephone: 01204 337333
We believe that this activity is designed to be inclusive and welcoming for individuals with additional needs. However, we would recommend contacting the provider before attending, just to confirm they can accommodate your specific requirements.
Please see the link below to see a full list of sessions that are available.
Approximate activity location
Harvey Start Well Children's Centre - Start Well Children's Centres
Where: Harvey Start Well Children's Centre - Start Well Children's Centres, Shaw Street, Bolton, BL3 6HU
Price: FREE
Intensities: Low
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Telephone: 01204 337390 / 01204 337391 / 01204 333961
We believe that this activity is designed to be inclusive and welcoming for individuals with additional needs. However, we would recommend contacting the provider before attending, just to confirm they can accommodate your specific requirements.
Please see the link below to the sessions available.
Approximate activity location
Oldhams Start Well Centre
Where: Oldhams Start Well Centre, Forfar Street, Bolton, BL1 6RN
Price: FREE
Intensities: Low
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Telephone: 01204 334992
We believe that this activity is designed to be inclusive and welcoming for individuals with additional needs. However, we would recommend contacting the provider before attending, just to confirm they can accommodate your specific requirements.
Please see below the link to all sessions available here.
Approximate activity location
Oxford Grove Family Hub
Where: Oxford Grove Family Hub, Shepherd Cross Street, Bolton, BL1 3BH
Price: FREE
Intensities: Low
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Telephone: 01204 337090
We believe that this activity is designed to be inclusive and welcoming for individuals with additional needs. However, we would recommend contacting the provider before attending, just to confirm they can accommodate your specific requirements.
Please see below the link to the sessions available here.
Approximate activity location
The activities, websites and services on this site are designed for signposting you to providers in Bolton. The Let's Keep Bolton Moving platform and Bolton Vision's involvement in hosting an activity/group, as well as suggested websites and services offered on this website does not constitute or imply its endorsement or recommendation by Let's Keep Bolton Moving and Bolton Vision.
The information is up to date to the best of our knowledge. Contact the activity provider before you attend any activities to ensure that the activity details are correct. It is your responsibility to make sure you feel comfortable and safe at the venues, and with the activities you take part in.