News - page 4

It's Mental Family Wellbeing Festival
28 April 2023
Join us for a day of fun, nature, and family time.

Bolton, join the #10for10 challenge and get moving!
12 April 2023
10 minutes of exercise per day can get you further than you think. Whether that's walking or wheeling to the shops or taking a stroll around your local area, getting active is great for your physical and mental health and could help you form health long-term habits.

The GM Walking Festival is back for 2023!
30 March 2023
The GM Walking Festival is back! Celebrating the joy of walking and being outside, the festival brings together neighbours, friends, schools, and communities, and encourages people to discover and spread the joy of the walking journey.

Bolton's Holiday Activities and Food Programme - Easter 2023 #HAF2023
22 March 2023
Just got a letter and your booking code through the post? - Don't lose it, stick it on the fridge and then search below for free activity and food schemes near you now

Bolton Wanderers in the Community are recruiting!
7 March 2023
BWitC are recruiting for a Mental Health Transformation Officer - working within Primary schools you will revolutionise the way we think, talk & act about mental health, providing early intervention & prevention.

'This Girl Can With You': New phase of campaign launches
1 March 2023
A new phase of Sport England's 'This Girl Can' campaign launches to end 'exercise enjoyment gap' - and they need your support.

Fun with Gardening
23 January 2023
Free Family Activity sessions at High Street Library, Bolton BL3 6SZ Every other Saturday 11am-12pm 28th of January, 11th of February, 25th of February, 11th of March.

Come along to one of our free Active Lives Community Events
10 January 2023
Your local community will be showcasing what’s happening in YOUR area, with opportunities to increase your physical activity, move more in your neighbourhood and help improve your health and wellbeing – whatever your age or ability!

Co-researcher Opportunity - Climate Crisis
18 November 2022
Research on the Climate Crisis is being carried out and there is an opportunity to assist in this as a Co-researcher.